% prelude.tex (specification of which features in `uithesisXX.sty' you % are using, your personal information, and your title & abstract) % Specify features of `uithesisXX.sty' you want to use: \abtitlepgtrue % special title page announcing your abstract, not to % be bound with thesis (required) \abstractpgtrue % special version of your abstract suitable for % microfilming, not to be bound with thesis (required) \titlepgtrue % main title page (required) \copyrighttrue % copyright page (optional) \signaturepagetrue % page for thesis committee signatures (required) \dedicationtrue % dedication page (optional) \acktrue % acknowledgments page (optional) \abswithesistrue % abstract to be bound with thesis (optional) \tablecontentstrue % table of contents page (required) \tablespagetrue % table of contents page for tables (required only if you % have tables) \figurespagetrue % table of contents page for figures (required only if % you have figures) \title{MY THESIS TITLE} % use all capital letters \author{My Name} % use mixed upper & lower case \advisor{Title and Name of My Advisor} % example: % Associate Professor John Doe \dept{Statistics} % your academic department \submitdate{December 1998} % month & year of your graduation \newcommand{\abstextwithesis} { This is the abstract that I want bound with my thesis. It's optional. } \newcommand{\abstracttext} { This is the abstract to turn in for microfilming. Specific formatting requirements (eg., limits on \#words and use of symbols and fonts) are described in the UMI Microfilming guide, which you can get from the Graduate College. It's required. } \newcommand{\dedication} { This is optional; start with the word ``To''; you do not need to end with a period } \newcommand{\acknowledgement} { This is also optional. Use complete sentences here. } % Take care of things in `uithesisXX.sty' behind the scenes (it sounds % weird, but you need these commands): \beforepreface \afterpreface