Server Program Request Form
Please open a ticket in the Help Request Trouble Ticket System with answers to the following questions about your computing request.
- Who is the faculty member sponsoring the research?
- What are the names of all of the processes and purpose of the program that you'll be running? Is it CPU, memory and/or network intensive?
- What hours will the job be running (midnight to 8am unless further justification is given)?
- How many and which machines will the jobs be running on?
- How will you ensure the job does not interfere with other users using the machine?
Once CLAS Linux Group approves your job, restrict your jobs to running on the following machines:
- CS Majors will restrict their jobs to the 301MLH lab (l-lnx100<->l-lnx132)
- Math Majors will restrict their jobs to the B5MLH lab (l-lnx000<->l-lnx015)
- Statistics and Actuarial Science majors will restrict their jobs to the 346SH lab (l-lnx200<->l-lnx217)
If your job(s) require(s) more computing resources, each departments DEO will need to approve the job(s) to be run in their respective student instructional labs.
The CLAS Linux Group will schedule a time with you to verify the working order of the code and arrange any additional access capabilities (/var/tmp space, cron or at access).
Use Conditions
The primary use of the student labs is for instructional computing. Background computing jobs are of secondary importance. Availability and use by people in the lab is the top priority of these resources.
Once your job has been approved by the CLAS Linux Group staff, you understand that if you fail to comply with the terms of use of this agreement, you will be given three opportunities to prove that your jobs can be compliant. After each non compliance event, the user will need to fill out and have CLAS Linux Group approve a corrective action plan for continued use of the computer resources. CLAS Linux Group staff will email the user and potentially kill jobs that fall outside of the defined use plan. Additionally, if jobs interfere with a local user's use of the workstation, the jobs will be terminated.
Recommendations for all Long-Running Jobs
Do not run your job(s) over NFS (from your home account). Instead, copy the program locally to each machine.
Do not write output files over NFS (to your home account). Instead, write to the local disk.