LSS Restore Process

If your server or workstation is configured with LSS backups, there will be an NFS mount for the backup volume.  Use df -h and look for that mount point.

# df -h|grep lss  5317274112  775081216 4542192896  15% /mnt/nfs/lss/lss_hawkid

Once you know the mount point "cd" into the mounted path and into the backups/.zfs/snapshot directory and run the "ls" command to view the file systems that are backed up.

# cd /mnt/nfs/lss/lss_hawkid/backups/.zfs/snapshot
# ls
2023-03-10-000000-snapshot  2023-03-16-000000-snapshot  2023-03-22-000000-snapshot  2023-03-28-000000-snapshot
2023-03-11-000000-snapshot  2023-03-17-000000-snapshot  2023-03-23-000000-snapshot  2023-03-29-000000-snapshot
2023-03-12-000000-snapshot  2023-03-18-000000-snapshot  2023-03-24-000000-snapshot  2023-03-30-000000-snapshot
2023-03-13-000000-snapshot  2023-03-19-000000-snapshot  2023-03-25-000000-snapshot
2023-03-14-000000-snapshot  2023-03-20-000000-snapshot  2023-03-26-000000-snapshot
2023-03-15-000000-snapshot  2023-03-21-000000-snapshot  2023-03-27-000000-snapshot


Pick the snapshot you wish to restore from and "cd" into that date and then the "backups" directory for that date.  This will list all of the file systems backed up from that days snapshot and the files that can be restored

# cd 2023-03-19-000000-snapshot/backups
# ls


In the example above, the directory to restore from is called "server-home".  You can "cd" into that directory and and use the "cp" command to restore the files/directories that need to be restored.

If you have questions, please email