Writing a UI PhD Thesis in LaTeX 2e
The CLAS Linux Group have posted this information on behalf of others. This information is likely dated. Use at your own risk.
There is a github project at which is dated, but may get you started. There is also a google share with a less out of date template here. For official documentation on your thesis, consult the grad colleges web page here.
What you will find here:
a new uithesisXX.sty LaTeX 2e style file to help you comply with Graduate College formatting requirements, with examples of usage (a complete skeletal thesis)
methods for creation of graphics in S-Plus and incorporation into LaTeX documents, with examples
customized packages for creation of bibliography & citations, with examples of usage
instructions on setting up & maintaining a complete LaTeX system (compiler, packages, viewers, postscript, editor) for Windows 95/98/NT
info on a handful of specialized topics (finding & installing new packages/style files, using PSTricks to create tree diagrams, etc.)
a .zip file containing all my thesis files (to use for guidance, if you wish)
Table of Contents
- Recommended references
- Using the LaTeX 2e style file (uithesisXX.sty) to build a thesis adhering to Graduate College formatting requirements:
- Setting up a complete LaTeX 2e system in Win95/98/NT:
- An alternative: UNIX
- MiKTeX (LaTeX compiler, packages, dvips, .dvi viewer, etc.)
- Ghostscript/GSview (Postscript viewer/printer)
- TextPad (Good text editor for LaTeX)