TextPad (Shareware Text Editor)
The CLAS Linux Group have posted this information on behalf of others. This information is likely dated. Use at your own risk.
Getting the files
- Go to the TextPad home page: https://www.textpad.com/.
- Go to "Free Download" and get the appropriate version (eg., English version).
- Follow the "Free add-ons" link and optionally download clip libraries for TeX/LaTeX (eg., BibTeX, LaTeX1 and LaTeX2).
Installation & configuration
- Run the installation file you downloaded (default options should be fine).
- Scan through the options under Configure > Preferences and set things the way you like them. I recommend the following:
Under "General", check "Save the workspace". This will allow you to resume where you left off, with the same files open, the next time you run TextPad.
Check "Allow multiple files on the command line" and "Working directory follows active document".
Under "Associations", associate the extensions txt and tex with TextPad so that you can double-click on these files to open them in TextPad, and also save files with a tex extension without an extra .txt being added on. Add menu functionality to run LaTeX commands. You can add/edit items to the "Tools" menu by choosing Configure > Customize from the menu and clicking on the "Tools" tab. Select New > Command and press Cancel. Commands added to the "Tools" menu operate on the file you are currently editing. Here are the items you should add (you might need to change some of the paths if you installed things in different places):
Compile LaTeX:
Menu text: Compile LaTeX
Command: latex
Parameters: $BaseName
Initial Folder: $FileDirConvert .dvi to .ps:
Menu text: Dvips
Command: dvips
Parameters: $BaseName
Initial Folder: $FileDirView .dvi:
Menu text: View DVI
Command: yap
Parameters: $BaseName
Initial Folder: $FileDirView .ps:
Menu text: View PS
Command: \gstools\gsview\gsview32
Parameters: $BaseName.ps
Initial Folder: $FileDirTip: if you need to compile the same file over and over again, and it's not necessarily the one you're editing (eg., you are editing chap1.tex but needing to compile thesis.tex), you can specify that file (without the extension) instead of $BaseName in the Parameter section in any/all of the menu items above.
- Remember that TextPad is shareware, so please register your copy if you continue to use it regularly (see https://www.textpad.com/).