NOTE: The CLAS Linux Group does not provide email lists for classes. Please read Class Mail Lists for information about class mail list services.

Class Mail Lists
Classroom Computer Facilities
Course Accounts
Course Directories
Iowa Courses Online (ICON)
Online Course Submission
Requests for new Hardware or Software
Supported Equipment in MacLean Hall
Supported Equipment in Schaeffer Hall
Lab schedules and lab hours
Version Control Help

Virtual Machine Service Description
Web and Database Development Environment Help

Course Accounts

Anyone with an active HawkID can login to any of the Windows machines in the computer laboratories. If an instructor would like their students to use a Linux environment, their students can set up their CLAS Linux environment by using their HawkIDs to login to the FastX environment (which will auto-provision their CLAS Linux account the first time they try and login). They need to login to this page just once.

Course Directories

If an instructor needs a course directory to share material with students, the instructor can send a request to Be sure to include the course number, and the HawkIDs of any TAs. The CLAS Linux Group will create a course directory for your course. Course directories are intended to be used as a means of allowing students to have read-only access to materials that the instructor would like to make available to them. Course directories are not intended to be used as a means of online coursework submission. The CLAS Linux Group cannot provide help for nonsupported uses of a course directory.

All course directories are in the /group/class directory on managed workstations. The directory will be publicly readable, but only the instructor and anyone in the TA permissions group for the course will have write access. The directory will be deleted at the end of the term. The instructor should be sure to copy anything they may want to save from the course directory before the course has ended.

Online Coursework Submission

Students can submit coursework online via Iowa Courses Online (ICON).