Backup/Restore Service Description
Backup/Restore Service Offering
Standard Backups
CLAS Linux Group will back up users home directories and teaching environments, so that files can be restored in the event of equipment failure or accidental loss by the user. Users should store all their data on the file server ONLY. No client backups will be done by CLAS Linux Group.
Standard backups will span a 3 month window for these services.
A snapshot is a frozen, hidden, read-only view of files and folders at a specific point in time. The CLAS Linux Group have scheduled a number of different snapshots to help users with their restore needs, as follows:
- A hourly Snapshot is taken each hour. The last twenty four hourly Snapshots are available to view.
- A nightly Snapshot is taken each night at 12:00AM. Seven nights of nightly Snapshots are available to view.
- A weekly Snapshot is taken each Sunday at 12:00AM. Four weeks of weekly Snapshots are available to view.
- A monthly Snapshot is taken each month at 1:00AM on the first day of the month. Three monthly Snapshots are available to view.
Users are encouraged to self-restore files utilizing the Snapshot feature. Requests for restores will be done as time permits. Abuse of restores by a user may result in this service being terminated for that user.
Backups of virtual machines less frequent due to size and consist of a combination of daily, weekly and monthly backups.
Backups for researchers
The CLAS Linux Group will work with the researcher to find the most cost effective way to backup their research systems. CLAS Linux will first suggest using some of the researchers 5TB RDSS space for automatic rsync backups. If the RDSS space is too small, ITS has an LSS storage offering for $35/TB/year that the CLAS Linux Group can rsync backup to. Finally, CLAS Linux can purchase and configure stand alone hardware for the researcher.
CLAS Linux Group has automated rsync backups and monitoring. Special provisions for databases are also provided. Email so we can make sure all your data is backed up.
Backups for researchers are kept for 30 days unless a separate service level agreement is negotiated and signed by each party.
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